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Instrument import


Field nameValueDescription
positionId1-65 charactersUnique identifier for the position
positionNameMax 50 charactersA more descriptive name for the Position
positionLocationMax 50 charactersField for describing the exact location of the position
positionPathFree textFull plant structure path to position. Each plant node is separated with a '\' character e.g. "plantNode1\plantNode2\plantNode3"
deviceId1-65 charactersUnique identifier for the device
deviceModelFree textDevice model name "Beamex"
deviceModelManufacturerFree textDevice model manufacturer name e.g. "MC6"
deviceSerialNumberMax 25 charactersDevice serial number e.g. "1234"
functionNameMax 50 charactersName of the function
functionNumberIncremental numberAutomatically incremented, not part of the excel import
instrumentXmtrInstrumentXmtrUse Excel file for xmtr instrument import
instrumentSwitchInstrumentSwitchUse Excel file for switch instrument import

Instrument types


Field nameValueDescription
inputIOBlockUse the IOBlock
outputIOBlockUse the IOBlock
transferFunctionValueUse a value from the transfer function table
calibrationProcedureCalibrationProcedureUse the CalibrationProcedure type fields


Field nameValueDescription
functionNameMax 50 charactersName of the function
functionNumbern/aThis field is not part of the import.
inputIOBlockUse the IOBlock
outputIOBlockStateUse the IOBlockState
calibrationProcedureCalibrationProcedureUse the CalibrationProcedure


Field nameValueDescription
lownumberSpan low limit
highnumberSpan high limit
unitUnitUse the Unit
quantityValueIOBlock quantity
categoryValueCategory describes the type of the output signal. Input category is always Analog variable.
pressureIOBlockPressureUse the IOBlockPressure
electricalIOBlockElectricalUse the IOBlockElectrical
frequencyIOBlockFrequencyUse the IOBlockFrequency
temperatureTCIOBlockTemperatureTCUse the IOBlockTemperatureTC
temperatureRTDIOBlockTemperatureRTDUse the IOBlockTemperatureRTD
digitalIOBlockDigitalUse the IOBlockDigital
digitalReadoutIOBlockDigitalReadoutUse the IOBlockDigitalReadout
analogReadoutIOBlockAnalogReadoutUse the IOBlockAnalogReadout


Field nameValueDescription
symbolValueUse a value from the unit type table. If anything else is used it will become a custom unit (Max 15 characters).


Field nameValueDescription
pressureTypeValueUse a value from the pressure type table


Field nameValueDescription


Field nameValueDescription


Field nameValueDescription
sensorValueUse a value from the sensor type table. Only TC types can be used.


Field nameValueDescription
sensorValueUse a value from the sensor type table. Only RTD types can be used.


Field nameValueDescription


Field nameValueDescription
reqResolutionValueUse a value from the resolution type table.


Field nameValueDescription
reqReadabilityValueUse a value from the resolution type table.


Field nameValueDescription
setStateValueThe state of device after set action
setPointThe value where state changes.
resetPointThe reset value.
triggerLevelnumberTrigger level in voltage (V), only required when contactTypes is Wet (1).
invertOpenClosebooleanInverts switch Open/Closed states.


Field nameValueDescription
errorTypeValueType of measurement error
asFoundCountnumberRecommended number of test repeats on instrument before adjustment.
asLeftCountnumberRecommended number of test repeats on instrument after adjustment.
calibrationPeriodUnitValueCalibration period unit.
calibrationPeriodDisplayValuenumberCalibration period according to the period unit.
calibrationDueDateTimestampCalibration Due Date
beforeNoteFree textBefore calibration note
adjustNoteFree textBefore adjustment note
afterNoteFree textAfter calibration note
rejectIfCalibratorOverduetrue/falseDo not accept references whose calibration is overdue for this instrument.


Field nameValueDescription
utcnumberTime in Unix Time, number of seconds since 00:00:00 (UTC)
localOffsetnumberTime zone local offset in seconds.


Field nameValueDescription
errorCalcSideValueError calculation side
adjustLimitnumberAdjust if error is over this limit, must be given in relative value (e.g. 60% => 0.6)
dontAdjustIfLimitnumberDo not adjust if error is under this limit, must be given in relative value (e.g. 60% => 0.6)
adjustToLimitnumberAdjust to some error below this limit, must be given in relative value (e.g. 60% => 0.6)
asymmetricMultiplierSideValueThe error limit multiplier will create asymmetric error limits.
errorLimitsErrorLimitError limits, multiple ranges can be defined.
testPointsNominalTestPointNominal test points
testPointsRepeatFormatValueDetermines how calibration points are scaled according to the span of the function.
testPointsAmountValueDetermines how many points will be calculated to the span of the function, within the repeat format scheme.
testPointsOnOutputbooleanIf a user enters 'true'in the 'testPointOnOutput' field, then test points will be calculated from the output. The default value is 'false,' which means if the user doesn't enter any data in the field, the value is automatically set to 'false'.

Custom test points

Custom test points can be set after the testPointsRepeatFormat is set to “customized”, and the testPointAmount value is within the range of 1-21. Then the user needs to assign values to testPointValue[1-21]. The number of required testPointValue fields is determined by the testPointAmount value. For example, if the testPointAmount is set to 5, then values need to be configured for testPointValue[1-5], where the index indicates the point number.

The optional field testPointRemark[1-21] can be set regardless of the selected testPointRepeatFormat. For instance, if testPointRepeatFormat is set to “Up” and testPointAmount is set to 3, the user can set remarks for points 1-3."

Field nameValueDescription
testPointValue[1-21]numberSet custom test point value.
testPointRemark[1-21]stringOptional calibration message for test point.


Custom calibration point limit is set to 21 test points.


Field nameValueDescription
rejectIfBasenumberConstant Error limit, set to 0 if not used.
rejectIfRelativenumberRelative Error limit, set to 0 if not used.
resolutionValueUse a value from the resolution type table.


Field nameValueDescription
valuenumberCalibration point value (relative to span).


Field nameValueDescription
scanLowLimitnumberSwitch scan low limit.
scanHighLimitnumberSwitch scan high limit.
testRepeatCountnumberNumber of times to repeat the switch test
resetErrorMultipliernumberReset Error Multiplier
errorDirectionSetValueError direction for set value (positive, negative etc.)
errorDirectionResetValueError direction for set value (positive, negative etc.)
errorLimitnumberEither rejectifbase or rejectifreleative is used with switches.
adjustLimitnumberAdjust if error is over this limit, must be given in relative value (e.g. 60% => 0.6)
dontAdjustIfLimitnumberDo not adjust if error is under this limit, must be given in relative value (e.g. 60% => 0.6)
adjustToLimitnumberAdjust to some error below this limit, must be given in relative value (e.g. 60% => 0.6)

Custom fields

There are 30 different custom field columns in the Excel file. They are named according to the following formula: [position/device/function] + [CustomField/CustomCheckbox] + index [1-5].

The CustomField columns can be text or list fields. Any string value is valid if you refer to a text field. If the user want to select a list option, he/she must type it exactly right.

Note! CustomCheckbox columns accept only boolean (true/false) values.

Field nameValueDescription
TextstringField for adding custom string value
Liststring (list option)Field for adding custom list value
checkboxtrue/falseField for adding custom boolean value