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LOGiCAL 2.10.0 Release

Release Date: 17. December. 2024

New Feature

  1. You can now download more than 10 calibration certificates at a time. Previously, the completed work view only showed 10 instruments per page, and you could only download the certificates from the results you saw on a single page. The number of results shown per page has been increased from 10 to 20. There is also a possibility to Download certificates from all results that fit your search criteria within a selected plant structure node. After you start the download, you can continue working with LOGiCAL while the certificates are being generated. As one certificate generation takes a few seconds, it is not recommended to download more than 50 certificates at a time.

  2. The instrument management's flat list view now supports exporting all instruments within a selected plant structure. Previously, only the 25 instruments visible on one page could be exported. The explorer view has always allowed exporting more than 25 instruments at a time.

  3. When saving an instrument, whether it is new or edited, the instrument is highlighted to the user. Earlier, only new instruments had this functionality, but it has now been extended to editing instruments as well.


  1. Updates to the help documentation:
  • A better description of how LOGiCAL calculates the next due date only after a passed calibration.
  • LOGiCAL security statement has been updated
  1. Reference management section now allows also calibration certificates in .docx format.


  1. Fixed an issue where users couldn't access a newly created plant node when it was created from a page other than the instruments page. Previously, users had to refresh the browser to access the new plant node.

  2. Fixed an issue where custom unit coefficients were truncated when saved as decimal numbers. Now, the factor and constant fields retain their decimal values correctly when saved.

  3. Resolved an issue where the dashboard incorrectly displayed instruments with 'No due date' under Overdue calibrations.

  4. Fixed an issue that previously prevented moving of a multi-function instrument from one plant node to another.

  5. If a reference (calibrator) was created manually in the LOGiCAL database before syncing, instruments could not be synced to that calibrator. Syncing worked after deleting the manually created reference. This problem has now been resolved.

  6. Fixed an issue where the edit button was incorrectly visible for the quantities provided by the system. These default quantities cannot be edited by the user.

  7. Fixed an issue with reference units and symbols, ensuring that custom units are correctly displayed and unmodifiable where necessary.

Important information

  1. MC6-T returns incomplete module data when mains power is off. R3 port and the temperature generation side require the mains power to be enabled for their data to transfer to LOGiCAL.

Known issues N/A

LOGiCAL 2.9.1 Release

Release Date: 14. November. 2024


Following the previous release, organizations with more than 25 quantities experienced an issue where only the first 25 quantities displayed the correct names, while the remaining quantities were marked as “DELETED”. This issue also hindered the creation of new instruments with the affected quantities. The problem has now been resolved.

Important information

  1. MC6-T returns incomplete module data when mains power is off. R3 port and the temperature generation side require the mains power to be enabled for their data to transfer to LOGiCAL.

Known issues

  1. The "Edit" and "Remove" buttons are now enabled for all list items (Quantities, Units, Manufacturers, and Models), including those that are pre-defined by the system. Attempting to delete or update these predefined items may result in errors. This will be addressed in the upcoming release (2.10.0), where the system will clearly indicate which items can and cannot be edited or deleted.

LOGiCAL 2.9.0 Release

Release Date: 06. November. 2024

New Features

New Features for Instrument Management:

  1. Copy Instrument Functionality

    • You can now create a new instrument by copying an existing one. To do this, select the desired instrument in the Instruments view, right-click, and choose "Copy" from the context menu. This feature streamlines instrument creation, ensuring consistency and saving time for users who frequently add similar instruments.
  2. Automatic Navigation for New Instruments

    • When a new instrument is created, the Instruments view will automatically navigate to its location and highlight it.
  3. Grouping Instruments by Position or Device

    • The Instruments view now supports grouping instruments by position or device. This functionality is especially useful for managing multi-function instruments and can be activated through filters.

      Note: The grouping functionality is only available in the explorer view.

  4. New Instrument Types Added

    • Current Velocity Converter: Allows MC6 family calibrators to simulate current, enabling the user to input the output of a digital indicator.
    • Frequency Switch: Enables MC6 family calibrators to simulate frequency and utilize switch sensing for the output.
  5. Clickable Hyperlinks in Fields

    • Hyperlinks can now be added to various fields, which convert to clickable links (available in LOGiCAL or bMobile):
      • All custom field text or list values.
      • Before and after calibration notes, as well as adjustment notes.
      • Notes entered during calibration execution.
  6. New Configurable Columns in Instruments View

    • The Instruments view now includes several new configurable columns:
      • Site: The highest-level node on the plant structure.
      • Position Location
      • Device Serial Number
      • Custom Fields
        These additions offer more customization options for the Instruments view to better meet user needs. See also related features for customization in the Manage Work and Completed Work views.

New Features for Calibration Work Management:

  1. Dashboard Task Display

    • You can now view your assigned tasks on the dashboard easily. The "Currently Working On" section displays the number of instruments assigned to you, and clicking it redirects you to the Manage Work view for more details.
  2. Syncing Based on Designated Calibrator

    • Syncing now follows the designated calibrator specified during instrument assignment for calibration. For example, an instrument assigned to bMobile will not sync to an MC6 calibrator, and vice versa.
  3. New Configurable Columns for Manage Work and Completed Work Views

    • Several new configurable columns are available for these views:
      • Site: The highest-level node on the plant structure.
      • Device Serial Number
      • Calibrator: The mobile device assigned for calibration work (Manage Work view only).
      • Certificate ID: (Completed Work view only).
        You can also filter the Manage Work view based on the mobile device the work has been assigned to.

New Features for Certificate Customization:

  1. Next Due Date on Calibration Certificate

    • The next due date can now be configured to appear on the calibration certificate.
  2. Result ID in Certificate Footer

    • The result ID can be configured to display in the footer of the calibration certificate.

New Features Supporting Multi-Site Deployment:

  1. Site-Specific Reference Allocation

    • It is now possible to allocate references to specific sites, whereas previously only instruments could be assigned to designated sites. This enhancement helps customers managing multiple factories oversee assets while allowing organization administrators to maintain global visibility.
  2. Site-Based Access Control Confirmation Dialogue

    • A confirmation dialogue has been added to the Site-Based Access Control setting to prevent unintentional disabling of the feature.


  1. New Footer on LOGiCAL Landing Page

    • A new footer has been included on the LOGiCAL landing page, providing links to legal documentation. Separate terms of use for LOGiCAL have been replaced with a more general Terms of Use document covering all Beamex digital services. The new terms can also be accessed from LOGiCAL Help and the Help Center.
  2. Modernized User Interface for Key Views

    • The user interface of several views has been modernized:
      • References View: Thoroughly updated with configurable columns, faster search, and a sidebar for viewing/editing individual references. References can now be linked to a site.
      • Lists (Quantities, Units, Manufacturers, and Models): New UI layout with configurable columns and sorting. Creating units in the Quantities view or models in the Manufacturers view is no longer possible.
      • Help Center: Updated UI layout.
  3. Ukrainian Translation

    • Ukrainian translation of the user interface is now available.


Import Tool Related Fixes:

  1. Enhanced Validation for Imported Instrument Data

    • Fixed an issue that allowed importing invalid instrument data, which previously caused errors in the instrument editor or made calibration points uneditable. Instrument data is now more thoroughly validated (e.g., switch set and reset points must be within the instrument range).
  2. Thermocouple Sensor Fix

    • Corrected an issue where some thermocouple sensors were not set properly during instrument import.
  3. Excel Export/Import Error

    • Resolved an error occurring when exporting instrument data to Excel and re-importing it into LOGiCAL, which caused issues with custom quantities and units.
  4. Updated Sample Data in Import Tool Excel Files

    • Updated the sample data in the Import tool's Excel files to prevent import errors due to missing columns.
  5. Fixed Numeric Model Name Issue

    • Fixed an issue preventing the import of reference models with numeric model names.

Instrument and Work Management Related Fixes:

  1. Overdue Instrument Display

    • Resolved an issue where instruments without scheduling appeared as overdue in the Manage Work view.
  2. Custom Field Name Truncation

    • Fixed an issue that caused long custom field names to be truncated in the instrument editor.
  3. Pressure Type Change Issue

    • Corrected an issue where the instrument editor automatically changed the pressure type for pressure switches to Gauge upon opening.
  4. Enhanced Error Messages for Calibration Assignments

    • Improved the clarity of error messages shown to users when assigning calibrations.
  5. Incorrect Unit Assignment Fix

    • Resolved an issue where LOGiCAL saved the instrument with an incorrect unit if the same unit was used in multiple quantities (e.g., mm for both Length and Diameter).

Other Fixes:

  1. Save Button Visibility for Calibration Methods

    • Fixed an issue where the "Save" button for calibration methods was visible to users without permission to edit calibration methods.
  2. Result Delete Permission in bMobile

    • The result delete permission is now sent to bMobile.
  3. Calibration Result Function Assignment

    • Resolved an issue where the system could attach the calibration result to the wrong function when an instrument had multiple functions.
  4. Minor UI, Translation, and Help Fixes

    • Various minor fixes to the UI, translations, and LOGiCAL Help, including corrections for incorrect or untranslated texts.

Important Information

  1. MC6-T Module Data with Mains Power Off
    • MC6-T returns incomplete module data when mains power is off. The R3 port and the temperature generation side require mains power to be enabled for their data to transfer to LOGiCAL.

Known Issues

  • N/A

LOGiCAL 2.8.1 Release

Release Date: 23. September. 2024

New Features


  1. There was an issue with the new instrument editor affecting LOGiCAL and bMobile, where the calibration point values defined by the user could be rounded slightly. To fix the issue, a resolution for each calibration point is now defined. This can be done using a new resolution field above the calibration point values, or by customizing the resolution point-by-point. bMobile 2.9.1 version is required to fix the issue on the bMobile side.

    Note: Unfortunately, we are unable to identify and automatically correct the rounding errors of the calibration points. The only way is to edit the affected instrument’s calibration points manually.

  2. An issue was identified in LOGiCAL where the calibration points could not be calculated if an instrument range was entered with 0 as the 100% scale (e.g., a temperature transmitter ranged -25 to 0). Manual input of calibration points was still possible. This issue has now been resolved, ensuring that calibration points are correctly calculated even when 0 is the 100% value.

  3. After the latest updates to LOGiCAL (2.8.0) and bMobile (2.9.0), bMobile has not been able to update the state of the assigned work in LOGiCAL. This has caused the instruments to remain in “Assigned” state in the manage work view, although results had already been received. LOGiCAL side has now been fixed, but to fully correct the issue, bMobile version 2.9.1 or later is also required.

  4. After the latest updates to LOGiCAL (2.8.0) and bMobile (2.9.0), users have no longer been able to set the calibration date to the past with bMobile. This was caused by a missing configuration on the LOGiCAL side. The issue has now been fixed on LOGiCAL side. bMobile version 2.9.1 is required to have the issue fixed also on the bMobile side and backdating of calibrations is again possible.

Important Information

  1. MC6-T returns incomplete module data when mains power is off. R3 port and the temperature generation side require the mains power to be enabled for their data to transfer to LOGiCAL.

Known Issues

  • N/A

LOGiCAL 2.8.0 Release

Release Date: 25. June. 2024

New Features

  1. Beamex introduces the capability to create and edit instruments in bMobile. Calibration service providers sometimes get extra work from their customer when they get to the site. Before, the instrument had to be created in LOGiCAL and assigned to the technician. Alternatively, the technician might see that the instrument data needs to be corrected before calibration is executed. Now the technician can create a new instrument or change an existing instrument’s data directly in bMobile. This can also be done even without access to the internet. This capability is introduced with bMobile version 2.9.0 and is only available for customers using LOGiCAL. See more details from bMobile 2.9.0 release note.

  2. Several views within LOGiCAL now feature a new functionality at the bottom of the page, displaying the number of items shown or filtered. This addition allows for a quick reference to the volume of items you're working with.

  3. There is now a new filter in the Manage work view, allowing you to quickly filter calibration work assigned to yourself or to a specific person.


  1. Contact information details in the Help Center / Support page have been updated.

  2. There is now a maximum file size limit when adding calibration certificates for references (10Mb) and up to 30 certificates can be loaded for each reference to be able to store the calibration history of the reference.

Fixes Related to Import Tool

  1. Fixed an issue where incorrect entries in the excel file prevented the import tool from loading the file, with an unclear error message. The validation of data types has been improved and users can now see what caused the import to fail.

  2. The operationType field has been removed from the import template and exported files. Instead, deviceFunctionId is used to determine whether the user is creating a new instrument or updating an existing one. In other words, if deviceFunctionId exists, the user is updating an existing instrument. If not, a new instrument is being created.

  3. The help file contains information about the new field introduced in the previous LOGiCAL version: calibrationPeriodMode.

Fixes Related to Error Handling

  1. Changed the error message to show a clearer explanation when two users tried to edit the same reference simultaneously. Instead of "undefined error", it now says what happened.

  2. Error handling in the Assign for calibration dialog has been improved.

  3. Improved error handling of the instrument editor. It has been possible to import instrument data with erroneous values to certain fields. This has resulted in the Instrument editor crashing. Now, the instrument editor can be opened and fields containing erroneous data are set to an undefined state, requiring the user to enter correct values before the instrument can be saved.

  4. Localization of various error messages has been improved.

Other Fixes

  1. The Manage Work view has been improved to be more responsive when resizing the screen, and each table row is now fully visible, eliminating the issue of rows being cut off mid-way vertically.

  2. Fixed an issue where the reference's calibrated and due date show incorrect dates depending on what time zone/UTC offset was used.

Important Information

  1. MC6-T returns incomplete module data when mains power is off. R3 port and the temperature generation side require the mains power to be enabled for their data to transfer to LOGiCAL.

  2. The existing LOGiCAL Sync application will be retired in the next version update. You need to replace it with the new Beamex Sync application by uninstalling the LOGiCAL Sync client and installing the new Beamex Sync application found in the Help Center / Downloads.

  3. After the next version update, only bMobile version 2.8.2 or later will be supported. Please make sure that you upgrade to the latest version of bMobile as soon as possible.

Known Issues

  • N/A

LOGiCAL 2.7.0 Release

Release Date: 30. May. 2024

New Features

  • Beamex introduces two powerful features designed to streamline the process of updating instrument data:
  1. Export Instrument Data to Excel: Users can now export instrument data directly into Excel. This feature allows for easy review and modification of data outside LOGiCAL.
  2. Import Modified Data Back to LOGiCAL: After reviewing and modifying your instrument data in Excel, you can effortlessly import it back into LOGiCAL to update the existing records.

Customer Benefits

  • Save time and reduce the risk of typing errors when adding or editing large numbers of instruments.
  • Promote high-quality, harmonized data by allowing easy review of data before import.
  • Exporting data to Microsoft Excel allows efficient review and analysis of existing instrument data, detection of unintentional deviations, as well as mass updates of data that needs to be changed.
  • Deployment or expansion of LOGiCAL is more flexible, allowing customers to add instruments gradually.
  • Limiting access to the mass update capabilities through user roles and permissions helps protect data integrity.

How It Works

  • The user can select the instruments to be exported from the instruments view, utilizing various filtering possibilities.
  • Instrument data including plant structure, position, device, function, and procedure data is exported by right-clicking on the selection and selecting the export function. The instrument data is exported to one or more Excel spreadsheets (switch instruments are exported to a separate file).
  • Data can be reviewed and modified in Excel.
  • The modified Excel file(s) can be imported into LOGiCAL using the import tool to update the instrument data.


  • This functionality can be used by a user with permission to use the import tool if role-based access control feature is active in the organization.

Other Enhancements and Fixes to the Import Tool

  1. When viewing an in-progress data import, the progress updates automatically every 10 seconds, and the user no longer needs to manually refresh the browser to see the status update.
  2. Validation of the data to be imported has been improved.
    • Instruments with zero range in input or output can no longer be imported.
    • Instruments must have a valid transfer function value. Previously, it was possible to leave the transfer function field empty, which led to situations where such instruments could not be assigned for calibration.

Enhancements to the Instrument Editor

  1. Enhanced scheduling options in the procedure tab:
    • Recurring (default setting): The due date and calibration interval remain visible as before.
    • Off: The due date and calibration interval are hidden across instrument management interfaces and will not appear in result views or on certificates.
    • Single: Only the due date is displayed. This is accessible within the instrument management and will be shown on results and calibration certificates. Once a passed calibration has been performed for an instrument, the scheduling option is set to Off.
  2. The look and feel of the instrument editor has also been updated.
    • Important Note: Any favorite quantity, unit, or sensor type information is reset with this new functionality, and you need to re-define your favorites.

Other Enhancements

  1. It is now possible to remove a whole plant node and all its child items (plant nodes and instruments) if the user has the necessary permissions and if there are no instruments assigned for calibration. Valid items are no longer listed in the dialog. Instead, the total number of plant nodes and instruments is shown.
  2. Roles & permissions view can now be sorted by any column in the Lists.
  3. Performance optimization for global instrument search.
  4. Security enhancement: file upload limits set for reference management, where calibrator’s certificates can be uploaded.
  5. Free devices can now be assigned to a plant structure. In case a customer has a multi-site deployment, they can limit free devices’ visibility to certain sites only.
  6. Launching a new Beamex Sync application, replacing LOGiCAL Sync. This new tool supports both LOGiCAL and CMX users. A new communication protocol is included to support wireless communication with MC6 family calibrators over Bluetooth. Please see MC6 fw 4.50 release note for further details and system requirements.
    • Note: The existing LOGiCAL Sync application will continue to work with this release but will be retired in the near future. Replace it with the new Beamex Sync application by uninstalling the LOGiCAL Sync client and installing the new Beamex Sync application from Help center / Downloads.


  1. Beamex Sync application and bMobile no longer show an organization created in myBeamex if the organization administrator has not visited LOGiCAL yet.
  2. Some outdated training videos have been removed from the dashboard.
  3. Release notes are now published as part of the LOGiCAL help documentation instead of the News section. The new location contains the entire release history of LOGiCAL, not just the past few releases. Additionally, the release notes can be translated.


  1. Fixed an issue where an instrument could not be moved from one plant node to another, displaying an error message that Position ID already exists.
  2. The calibration certificate number for the reference sensors used in calibrations was displayed incorrectly. The correct number is now displayed.
  3. Syncing of results was interrupted if two results had the same key information. This issue is now corrected by omitting the duplicate results.
  4. Various minor UI fixes.

Important Information

  1. MC6-T returns incomplete module data when mains power is off. R3 port and the temperature generation side require the mains power to be enabled for their data to transfer to LOGiCAL.
  2. The existing LOGiCAL Sync application will continue to work with this release but will be retired in the near future. Replace it with the new Beamex Sync application by uninstalling the LOGiCAL Sync client and installing the new Beamex Sync application from Help center / Downloads.

Known Issues

  • N/A

LOGiCAL 2.6.1 release

Release Date: 21.12.2023


  1. We fixed an issue where plant node deletion could in some cases cause a timeout and crash LOGiCAL.
  2. We fixed an issue where plant node editing could in some cases cause a crash.
  3. We fixed an issue with translation files. With the previous release, some texts were unintentionally left out and were not translated.
  4. Various updates to the help documentation.

LOGiCAL 2.6.0 release

Release Date: 07.12.2023

New Features:

  1. Introducing Role-based access control (RBAC) to LOGiCAL:

    Role-based access control implements a security model where user access is determined by their specific job role and location within the company structure. This provides a precise and secure method to manage system permissions, enhancing operational efficiency and data protection.

    Benefits for the Customer:

    • Tailored user interface: Users benefit from a customized interface that only displays relevant data and viable actions, creating a user experience free from unnecessary or inaccessible options.
    • Enhanced organizational security by ensuring that users can access only those resources necessary for their roles. This targeted access helps to protect the integrity of the calibration data, by preventing unauthorized viewing, modification, or deletion.

    How It Works: You can define and assign user roles in LOGiCAL. Each role is a collection of permissions that represent a particular set of abilities within LOGiCAL. Permissions are actions (create, view, edit, and delete), that can be performed on a resource (e.g., instrument or reference). Roles are customizable and can be tailored to the specific needs and structure of your organization.

    User access can be further restricted by assigning individual users to specific sites (=first level in the plant structure hierarchy). Combining the correct permissions and access to a single site only, service companies can leverage the RBAC feature to provide their customers with limited access to their LOGiCAL system. This means that the service company’s customer can only view and generate certificates for the calibrations performed for them.

    Example roles:

    • Calibration Technician Role: Technicians could be given permissions to carry out calibrations and view results while restricting their ability to alter organizational settings or delete instrument data.
    • Calibration Supervisor Role: Supervisors might be granted more extensive permissions, including the ability to edit and manage calibration data, and oversee user roles.
    • Stakeholder Role: External auditors or stakeholders may be assigned a read-only role, allowing them to view all relevant data without the risk of accidental changes.
  2. Updates related to calibration certificates:

    1. We’ve simplified how input and output ranges are displayed on calibration certificates. Now, all ranges are consolidated into a single row, adopting a clear and concise format such as "4 … 20 mA" or "0 … 10 bar Gauge," enhancing readability and comprehension.
    2. Calibration certificates now offer the option to display calibration point-specific notes. This feature can be configured in the calibration certificate templates to tailor the level of detail provided on certificates, ensuring important annotations are not missed.
    3. We’ve made general layout improvements to calibration certificates, such as centered headers.
    4. We’ve fixed an issue where the file names were not following the configuration when generating multiple calibration certificates at the same time. File naming will now consistently follow the predefined settings, ensuring a smoother documentation process.
  3. Updates related to LOGiCAL import tool:

    1. It is now possible to add up to 21 custom test points with data import. In addition, each test point can be accompanied by specific instruction messages. These instructions will conveniently pop up for the technicians when they are executing the corresponding calibration point.
    2. We’ve fixed an issue where the calibration points could not be calculated from the output when importing data.
    3. We've refined the import validation process, eliminating the need for output pressure type definition for non-pressure measurements. Now, defining the output pressure type is only necessary when the quantity is Pressure, and the output category is an Analog variable.
    4. The validation of custom fields has been improved for instances when a user attempts to import data into custom fields that are either not configured or disabled in LOGiCAL.
    5. Data import validation has been enhanced. The error reference field needs to be populated to ensure that created instruments are compatible with calibrator synchronization.
  4. Updates related to Instrument management:

    1. LOGiCAL now supports the creation of identical Position and Device IDs within an organization's instrument data, on the condition that the first plant structure level for each ID is different. This helps, for example, service companies who work with many customers, to identify their customer’s instruments correctly.
    2. The view/edit sidebar within the instrument management interface now displays calibration points and their repeat formats (for example, "3 Up" or "5 Up-Down").
    3. We've corrected a navigation issue in the 'My Subscription' view. Now, selecting a transaction within the transactions tab will open the result related to the credit transaction, rather than the instrument, for more intuitive user experience.
    4. We’ve corrected an issue with pressure units. mmH2O and mH2O units are now shown correctly.
    5. We’ve resolved a problem where temperature element instruments set with 'Controlled' input and 'Measured' output methods could not be sent to calibrators.
    6. We’ve addressed a user interface issue where instruments with multiple tolerances displayed incorrect information. The certificate and quick view (accessible by double-clicking an instrument) now show correct information, accounting for the conversion from relative to actual values.
  5. Updates related to LOGiCAL Sync application:

    1. A link to Beamex support portal has been added to the LOGiCAL sync application.
    2. The syncing process has been optimized for better performance.
    3. Fixed an issue with the LOGiCAL sync application’s scalability across various display resolutions and scaling settings.
  6. Other updates:

    1. Language selection has been moved from organization settings to the header row, next to the logged-in user.
    2. We’ve fixed a few issues with translations.
    3. The minimum number of characters for the Custom Field List option is now one instead of the previous two.
    4. We’ve fixed an issue where overdue references list was incorrectly showing references, whose due date was on the same date.
    5. Performance improvements.

Known issues: N/A

LOGiCAL 2.5.0 release

Release Date: 28.06.2023

New Features:

  1. The 'Manage Work' and 'Completed Work' views have been restructured to provide a better user experience:

    • Navigate these views more intuitively using the integrated plant structure tree selection tool. Your current location is always visible via an updated breadcrumb trail.
    • Active filters are clearly displayed, making data navigation easier.
    • Assign or unassign multiple calibration tasks simultaneously, reducing the time spent on task management.
    • Download multiple calibration certificate PDFs in one go.
  2. Configurable views. You can now add, remove, or rearrange the data columns within the ‘Instruments’, Manage Work, and Completed Work views.

  3. Advanced

searching capabilities for the instruments -view. This allows searching of instruments from several fields with a variety of conditions, such as “starts with”, “contains”, “does not contain” and many others. The active advanced searches are shown the same way as any active filter condition.

  1. Dashboard updates:
    • Overdue references link has been added to the dashboard.
    • Dashboard queries are back in operation, and the dashboard now shows the number of items that need your attention.


  1. ‘Instruments’ view’s earlier version has now been retired.
  2. LOGiCAL Tours were updated for ‘Instruments’, ‘Manage work’ and ‘Completed work’ views.
  3. bMobile 2.8.1 version is now officially supported on Windows 11. Information about it has been added to the ‘Downloads’ page.


  1. Fixes related to ‘Instruments’ view:

    • Fixed an issue with ‘Instruments’ view list, which was not refreshed properly after changes made in other views.
    • Fixed an issue that previously blocked the ability to relocate an instrument from a plant level back to the root level.
    • Fixed an issue, where selecting rows with shift + click did not work unless the sorting of the list was done based on the item column.
    • Several performance fixes to ‘Instruments’ view as well as the instrument creation / editing forms.
  2. Fixes related to import tool functionality:

    • Previously, it was possible to create instruments using the import tool that were difficult, if not impossible, to delete. Typically, these instruments were the result of importing the same file multiple times, resulting in positions with multiple functions but separate devices. This problem has now been resolved, and deleting an instrument should always be possible.
    • Fixed an issue where '/'-character after the last plant structure level caused LOGiCAL to create an additional empty node.
    • When importing instruments with a plant path where the given path exists as part of another plant path, the instrument could be inserted in the wrong place within the plant structure. This problem has now been corrected. The import tool now always ensures that the given plant path is treated as starting from the root.
  3. Other fixes:

    • Previously, it was not possible to save instruments with a custom unit and Analog variable as the output category. The categories were converted to Analog readout upon saving the instrument. This posed a problem because users may have wanted to use Analog variable as the output category. Additionally, it caused issues when sending and calibrating instruments in bMobile, as references were not required for instruments with Analog readout as the output category. However, this problem has now been corrected, allowing Analog variables to be used for instruments with a custom unit as the output category. Requires bMobile version 2.8.1 or later.
    • The references view in LOGiCAL became slow as the number of references in the database grew. The problem was that the database queries were reading the entire reference table into memory before applying the filtering. This issue has been resolved by implementing database-level pagination in the queries, allowing only the necessary data to be retrieved from the database.
    • The following instrument types had the wrong user interface texts and are now corrected:
      • "Temperature Switch TC " is changed to "Temperature Switch RTD" which is the correct label for the instrument type.
      • "TC Temperature Switch" is changed to "Temperature Switch TC" which is the correct label for the instrument type.
    • LOGiCAL Sync has been officially supported on Windows 11 already since Q2/2022, but the information about the supported version was not added on the ‘Downloads’ page until now.
    • In some circumstances, the Overdue filter returned instruments that were due the same day. This problem is now corrected, so only overdue instruments are now returned.
    • Instruments created in the calibrator where position name was too long will now be truncated after 50 characters when the instrument is created in LOGiCAL from the result data.

Known issues:

  1. The queries are not stopped if the user jumps to a new view before the data is provided. Until this is fixed, we recommend users to wait for the data to show up before jumping to different pages.

LOGiCAL 2.4.3 release

Release Date: 16.05.2023


  1. Resolved an issue where instruments with multiple functions were erroneously deleted in certain cases, resulting in the complete removal of the instrument. This occurred even when the intention was to delete only a single function.

Known issues:

  1. The queries are not stopped if the user jumps to a new view before the data is provided. Until this is fixed, we recommend users to wait for the data to show up before jumping to different pages.

Other important information: Instrument management view, version 1 is still available for now, but will be removed in the upcoming Q2/2023 release

LOGiCAL 2.4.2 release

Release Date: 05.04.2023

Fixes: 2. Continued performance improvements to queries fetching data for manage work view. We also disabled the dashboard queries temporarily, due to performance issues. The links are still active and will take you to the relevant pages when clicked. We are working on resolving the issue to bring it back online as soon as possible.

Known issues: 2. The queries are not stopped if the user jumps to a new view before the data is provided. Until this is fixed, we recommend users to wait for the data to show up before jumping to different pages.

Other important information: Instrument management view, version 1 is still available for now, but will be removed in the upcoming Q2/2023 release

LOGiCAL 2.4.1 release

Release Date: 29.03.2023

New features: 5. Added support for displaying "N/A" as the output reference for analog and digital readouts in certificates. 6. Added a badge to the filter icon in Instrument view 2 to display the number of active filters. The badge will show "9+" if more than 9 filters are selected, improving visibility and usability. 7. When an instrument is overdue, it is now displayed as "Overdue" along with the due date in the instrument view. 8. We now have the possibility to provide notifications to users of upcoming updates or of other important information. The notifications will appear as a banner on top of the screen.

Changes: 4. Improved performance of various views in LOGiCAL that affected the usability by slowing down or even timing out with large amount of data. 5. Error limit validation has changed. The % of reading field now has a default value of 0 and the validation of the field has been improved. 6. The import tool now allows users to import up to 1000 instruments and references from a single file. The import view displays the maximum number of items allowed and displays an appropriate warning message if the file exceeds this limit. 7. Links to Beamex support have been updated in the Help center / Support page.


Fixes related to instrument types or calibration methods: 14. Fixed an issue where selecting a calibration method to be the default in an instrument type, closing the tab, and discarding the changes could cause a "two stars" error when trying to save the method later. With this fix, only a single preferred method can be selected for each calibration method. 15. Resolved an issue where it was not possible to configure the reference junction compensation method in LOGiCAL for thermocouple instruments with simulated input. This was causing an error message when opening the instrument in MC6 family calibrator. 16. The MC6T family's RTD Calibration method configurations have been updated to show a single port option for the sourced and three port options for the measured IOMethods. Similarly, the TC Calibration methods now display a single port option for the sourced and two port options for the measured IOMethods. 17. Added missing instrument types for analog and digital mass flow indicators.

Fixes related to instrument management, instrument view v2: 18. Wizard no longer crashes if no favorite items (e.g. quantity or unit) have been defined. 19. Fixed an issue where the search functionality wasn't working when trying to link an instrument to an existing plant structure during instrument creation. 20. Due date in instrument management view v2 now displays date only, without timestamp, after syncing results. 21. Fixed an issue where the user could select an instrument type from the filters even if there were no instruments with matching instrument type in the current folder. This led to a confusing view where no instruments were displayed and the active filter was not indicated. The fix ensures that instrument filters are unchecked if there are no matching instruments in the current folder to prevent confusion. 22. Fixed an issue where free devices were not being identified properly in the instrument view v2. The device column and function name previously displayed "Free device" instead of the actual device ID and function name. 23. Fixed an issue where a plant node would remain in the navigation tree even after being removed. The fix ensures that the navigation tree is updated after a plant node is deleted. 24. Fixed a visual bug where long custom field labels would stretch over the add button when creating or viewing an instrument. 25. Fixed filter tooltips that now display the tooltip text when hovering over the information icon for "Free devices," "Independent positions," and "Positions." 26. Negative ranges no longer cancel calibration points when editing an instrument. Calibration points will not be canceled when a negative maximum of a scale is set while the minimum is already negative.

Fixes related to assigning or unassigning calibration work: 27. Fixed an issue where the UI would display an undefined error message when an instrument assignment failed due to an invalid port selection. 28. Fixed an issue where unassigning a position from calibration after the result had already been synced back, caused the deletion of the calibration record. 29. Fixed an issue where the unassign link was not visible in the tool menu and context menu when one or several plant nodes were selected, or when a combination of plant nodes and non-locked instruments were selected.

Other fixes: 30. Fixed an issue where the manufacturer list was not loading when adding a model in the model list. Previously, the list would only show after creating a new manufacturer, causing inconvenience when creating models. With the fix, the manufacturer list is now loaded as expected and all manufacturers are listed. 31. Fixed an issue where the module serial number was not updated when editing a reference's details. This caused the need to delete the reference and set it up again, resulting in the deletion of all previous certificates. The fix ensures that the module serial number is also updated when editing the reference and is reflected correctly on the certificate. 32. LOGiCAL data import error messages for custom fields have been improved with more specific error messages. Custom fields are now categorized as not configured, not enabled, has incorrect value, and list item does not match. Users can now easily identify the issues with their custom fields and fix them accordingly. 33. Fixed an issue where drop-down lists were occasionally corrupted. While this problem was addressed in the LOGiCAL 2.4.0 release, it still happened occasionally, when users navigated to "Change Organization" and then selected "Back to LOGiCAL." 34. Some localization fixes for calibration certificates. 35. Corrections to the user guide.

Other important information: Instrument management view, version 1 is still available for now, but will be removed

LOGiCAL 2.4.0 release

Release Date: 24.01.2023

New features: 9. Introducing custom fields. The custom fields are available for position, device, function and result levels. Custom fields are configured through lists.

  • For position, device or function level, you can configure up to 5 custom text or list fields and 5 checkboxes. The custom fields are available when creating or editing individual instruments.
  • For results, you can configure up to 5 custom text fields and 5 checkboxes. these fields are available for the user to populate when saving results with MC6 family calibrators or with bMobile. The custom fields can also be included in the certificates
  1. The Sync client computer time is now used to update Beamex MC6 family calibrator's date and time.


  1. "Undefined" has been removed from the pressure types list

Fixes: 36. Validation of data to be imported has been improved 37. Fixed an issue with LOGiCAL not accepting a valid value for frequency pulse duty cycle 38. Fixed an issue with LOGiCAL Sync app and user synchronization that prevented results from being received from calibrators. 39. Fixed an issue where add function did not work for free devices. 40. Fixed link in the LOGiCAL help that points to privacy policy. 41. Fixed an issue with instrument types where they could end up without a preferred method.

Other important information:

  1. Instrument management view, version 1 is still available for now, but will be removed in the future, possibly during the first half of 2023.

LOGiCAL 2.3.2 release

Release Date: 01.12.2022


LOGiCAL 2.3.1 release

Release Date: 15.11.2022


  1. Fixed a performance-related issue where simultaneous editing of instrument type details caused the available database resources to be maxed out.
  2. Fixed an issue while deleting an instrument with multiple functions. Previously, database policies prevented the deletion. Functions can now be deleted independently, and when the last function is deleted, also the linked device gets deleted at the same time.

Other important information: Instrument management view, version 1 is still available for now, but will be removed in the future, possibly during the first half of 2023.

LOGiCAL 2.3.0 release

Release Date: 25.10.2022

New features:

  1. It is now possible to assign multiple instruments for calibration at the same time and the terminology has been revised. The process for assigning work has also been simplified. This new functionality has been achieved with several improvements:
    • Instrument type has been introduced as a new list. Instrument types are defined by input and output quantities and output category (analog/digital, variable/readout). When new instruments are created, LOGiCAL maps the correct instrument type based on instrument function. All existing instruments in the database are automatically mapped to the correct instrument types. Calibration methods are associated with the instrument types and do not need to be specified for each instrument separately. Calibration method defines which Beamex calibrator or application to use for documenting the calibration, and how the input and output signals are captured. LOGiCAL knows which methods can be used for each instrument type, and multiple alternative calibration methods for each type can be enabled.
    • Instrument view improvements
      • Quick actions are available in the top of the screen when selecting one or multiple rows. The actions can also be opened in a context menu (right-clicking) one of the selected rows. You have more options available in the context menu when selecting a single row (e.g. view and edit the instrument).
      • Instrument configuration can now be viewed in a popup window by double-clicking an instrument row or through the context menu. You can also edit the instrument from this view.
      • The instrument type linked to an instrument is shown in a new column in the instrument view. The instrument type is a link that opens the specific instrument type configuration in the list view. There are situations where an instrument could fit several different instrument types. It is possible that the instrument template that is automatically selected is not the right one. That is why it is possible to change the instrument type to another one through the context menu. This can be done to multiple instruments at the same time also.
      • Instrument creation and edit views now contain advance buttons on the bottom of the form to provide a more natural flow for instrument creation process.
      • You can now add new functions to existing instruments or adding new devices with functions to existing positions. If you have two or more functions under one position, the common fields (e.g. Position level) are locked from editing when one of the functions is assigned for calibration.
      • Filter improvements on the instrument view. It is possible to filter instruments by their instrument type.
      • It is also possible to delete several instruments at the same time
    • Assign for calibration has been simplified from the previous checkout functionality. You no longer need to specify the calibrator and the calibration method while assigning the work. The default calibration method, which is set in the instrument types is automatically selected, but you can change it to any method that has been made available.

Fixes: 3. Fixed an issue where the instrument view was incorrectly showing “Nothing found” after a new customer created their first instrument. 4. Fixed an issue where the search bar was moving around when searching for sensor types. 5. It is now possible to create a free device (without Position) in the Instrument view v2 6. Fixed an issue with the instrument view 2. Plant structure could not be assigned for positions later if the plant structure was missing during instrument creation. 7. Relative humidity unit is now properly shown in certificates, if a value has been given during result entry. 8. Fixes to translations 9. Fixed an issue where the repeat format information was always changed to customized after instrument creation. Now the entered value is presented correctly when editing the instrument. 10. Minor fixes to the user interface. 11. Corrections to the user guide

Other important information: 2. Instrument management view, version 1 is still available for now, but will be removed in the future, possibly during the first half of 2023.

LOGiCAL 2.2.0 release

Release Date: 01.06.2022

New features:

  1. LOGiCAL instrument management has been rebuilt. The new instrument view is the first step for being able to perform multi-item actions (e.g. update/assign/move/delete) in the future. These multi-item actions will be the main focus of LOGiCAL’s next release. The old instrument view is still available but will eventually be disabled. Few highlights from the new instrument management view:
    • Plant structure has been made more visible, and users are able to use it to navigate to their instruments.
    • When assigning instrument for calibration (checking out), user can traverse back and forth in the assign for calibration view.
    • Two different views for looking at the instrument data: Explorer view, which is similar to windows explorer and a flat list view, that shows all instruments under a specific plant structure node and it’s sub nodes as one flat list. Both

views support sorting. 2. New configurations for certificate templates, that can be found from Settings/Certificate printing/Certificate templates:

  • Calibration certificates can be configured to contain an Approved by - signature line.
  • Calibration certificates with cover page can be configured to contain a static message up to 500 characters, which is printed to every certificate.
  • Due date and interval fields can now be configured to be shown/hidden from both certificate layouts.
  1. Missing manufacturer, model, quantity, and unit can be added while creating instrument.
  2. Organization ID has been made more visible. It is now shown in the Subscription window that can be accessed from the top right corner (Signed in user)

Fixes: 12. Improved validation for MC2/4 calibrators – It is no longer possible to configure RTD for input as sourced and output as measured, as there is only one RTD channel available. 13. It is now possible to move back / forward in checkout (assign) view. 14. Fixed an issue with quick select sidebar changing size in the manage work and completed work views. 15. Devices linked to positions were “hidden” in the previous instrument view. The new instrument view fixes this issue by showing both Position and Device side by side. 16. Remove plant structure icon is no longer placed over plant structure text in position edit dialogue. 17. Fixed an issue with low-resolution screens, that caused issues with being able to scroll the view properly. 18. Fixed an issue with Error Limits Asymmetric Expansion. If configured, it was not properly shown in result view. 19. Fixed an issue with LOGiCAL import tool. It now also supports .xls file types. 20. Fixed a mismatch in the import tool. Calibration due date in excel was incorrectly mapped to calibrated date in LOGiCAL. 21. It is now possible to sync results, where MC6 family calibrator has been controlling Beamex FB or MB temperature block. 22. Fixed an issue with LOGiCAL Sync, where instruments created in the calibrator were not deleted from the device after sync, even though the setting “Delete instruments when results are received” was enabled. 23. Pressure type now works with MC6 and MC4 when the instrument input and output method are set as keyed. 24. Some Updates to LOGiCAL help (e.g. information about bMobile). 25. Translation fixes 26. Quantity Volumetric is now correctly written. 27. Corrected an issue where CvD sensors were duplicated in an MC6 family calibrator when sending an instrument with the same sensor several times to the calibrator. This issue only occurred if the sensor low limit was >= 0, which means that the C parameter was not in use. 28. Fixed an issue with sending temperature switches to MC6 family calibrators. The high limit scan range was converted incorrectly when using a unit other than Celsius.

Other important information: 3. LOGiCAL Sync is compatible with Windows 11

LOGiCAL 2.1.1 Update 1

Release Date: 16.03.2022


  1. Fixed an issue with calibration dates of references where an old calibration date appeared on the certificate even though the calibration date had been updated correctly.

Other important information:

  1. MC2/4 can only handle calibration interval unit in days (not months or years), and when receiving results, from these calibrators, the interval unit is converted to days.

LOGiCAL 2.1.1 release

Release Date: 23.02.2022

New features:

  1. When creating instruments, unit selection becomes available only after a quantity has been selected.
  2. Handling of empty lists has been improved.
  3. Downloads page has been updated with a link to iOS version at Apple store.
  4. Link to user guide added to LOGiCAL import tool page for quick access to related documentation.
  5. When checking out a temperature instrument, there are now pictures helping the user to choose the right measurement port on the Beamex MC6 family calibrator.
  6. Max deviation field has been added to procedure tab in the checkout phase. The field defines how much deviation is accepted from the calibration set point for the point to be automatically accepted by a Beamex documenting calibrator.

Fixes: Result view and certificate related fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where the graph was not plotting the error correctly on the result view or certificate. This fix applies also to results that have been stored already, as the graph is not part of the result data itself but is generated from the result data.
  2. Fixed an issue related to reference temperature sensors. If the calibration interval for the reference sensor was configured to something else than days, the due date was shown incorrectly in the calibration certificate.
  3. Added pagination to the card view on the Function – procedure view’s related items, that lists all results performed for the instrument. Import tool related fixes
  4. Fixed validation errors that were caused by some combinations of quantities and units although instruments should be valid. Also, the way validation errors are indicated to the user has been improved.
  5. Fixed an issue where LOGiCAL Import tool was able to import only one plant node level.
  6. LOGiCAL import tool can now import instruments with thermocouple input. Reference management related fixes
  7. LOGiCAL can now update changes made for Beamex documenting calibrator’s module data when syncing. E.g. when an MC6 is recalibrated and the calibration dates have been changed in the calibrator, this data is now automatically updated in LOGiCAL also.
  8. Fixed an issue, where reference sensor’s type was shown as a code instead of the sensor type name (e.g. 60a4cb1d-f5b9-496e-98c6-168c5830a067 was shown instead of "Pt100 α389")
  9. Fixed an issue where LOGiCAL had started to require purchase date for a reference before it could be created. This information is not supposed to be mandatory for reference creation. Usability related fixes
  10. Fixed an issue where trigger level field was not transferred to Beamex calibrators when syncing switch instruments.
  11. Fixed an issue where it was not possible to sync a result back into LOGiCAL if the result contained a model name with a space at the end, and the model (without space at the end) already existed in LOGiCAL database.
  12. Instrument created successfully -notification is now shown when you create a free device.
  13. Other fixes

LOGiCAL Sync client 1.0.8 release

Release Date: 19.01.2022

New features:

  1. Improved error handling for expired tokens.


  1. Fixed an issue where version LOGiCAL sync client 1.0.7 would not start after updating it from previous version.

LOGiCAL 2.1.0 release

Release Date: 29.12.2021

New features:

  1. LOGiCAL import tool. A new tool that allows users to import new instruments and references to LOGiCAL via excel. Import tool can be found by clicking the +ADD button on the navigation pane.
  2. User’s most used quantities and units can now be set as favourites. The favourite values will be shown on the top of the list, when opening a dialogue.
  3. Onboarding menu has been created
  4. New mini tours for different sections within LOGiCAL
  5. New notifications now have a number for news and e-learning courses.
  6. In addition to date picker tool, date fields can now be entered by typing as well.
  7. An old, redundant cookie notification has been removed.
  8. Removed output reference table data for analog and digital indicators, that never can have any reference.


  1. The Default view in the Manage Work and Completed work views has been changed from “All” to “Due in 30 days” and “Last 30 days” respectively.
  2. The port used by LOGiCAL sync has been changed from port 50051 to 443. This is a rolling update, which means that for the time being, we will continue to support port 50051.
  3. Trial period has been extended to 30 days


  1. Fixed a position symbol mismatch between Card and List views
  2. Fixed an issue that in some situations caused free devices to show up under a position.
  3. Fixed an issue in reference management, where reference models created by the user could not be found using search.
  4. Various translation fixes
  5. Fixed an issue where searching units in lists caused an error message.
  6. Removed sensor type and temperature scale fields from dialogues where they are not needed. Now they only appear when Category is set to Analog variable and Quantity is temperature.
  7. Added better error handling when downloading LOGiCAL Sync.
  8. Fixed some broken links from LOGiCAL Help
  9. Fixed an issue when instruments that were created in the calibrator could not always be brought back to LOGiCAL.
  10. Issues fixed with certificate data
  • Custom certificate ID can overlap with other data on the certificate
  • Long texts were overlapping other cells in certificate without cover
  • Added environmental information to certificate without cover page for switch instruments.
  1. Calibrators reference table headers are no longer visible in the result view if no references have been used.
  2. Fixed an issue where reference’s due dates appeared as overdue in bMobile although the reference’s due date had not been passed.
  3. Fixed a field value validation.
  4. Fixed an issue that caused checkout to crash when going to the Function page from a Completed Work view.

LOGiCAL 2.0.5 Update 1

Release Date: 21.10.2021


  1. Removed possibility for Set/Reset error direction to be set = "Undefined"
  2. Fixed an issue where device manufacturer/model were case sensitive
  3. Fixed an issue where pressure switch OPENS in LOGiCAL was sent as CLOSES to MC6
  4. Fixed an issue which occurred when updating due date on receiving result from MC2/4
  5. Fixed an issue where latest News and Training information did not update on dashboard
  6. Fixed an issue where texts

were not properly aligned with result point and reference tables. 7. Fixed an issue where reset error direction in LOGiCAL differs from instruments created in MC6

LOGiCAL 2.0.5 release

Release Date: 04.10.2021

New features:

  1. The LOGiCAL Help component has been updated to enable new functionality:
    • Search capability for LOGiCAL Help.
    • It is now possible to send links on specific topics in LOGiCAL help.
    • You can now view LOGiCAL Help in light mode or dark mode.
  2. Clickable links are now more clearly shown to the user.
  3. Lists (e.g. quantity or unit) are now alphabetically ordered in the selected language.
  4. In addition to selecting a date from a date picker, it is now possible to type in the date. This feature has been implemented only in the instrument view and will be extended to other date picker components later.
  5. It is now possible to find a list item by starting to type in the value you are looking for. The list is filtered based on your typing, which makes it easier to find the specific list item you are looking for.
  6. The user is now taken to LOGiCAL directly after signing up.
  7. The first e-learning training material has been published.

Result view & calibration certificate:

  1. It is now possible to customize the color theme of the calibration certificate. This is done through Settings/Certificate printing/Certificate templates/ three dots/Edit template /Theme tab.
  2. Used reference’s calibration certificate ID’s are now available in the Result view and certificate.
  3. The calibration result and certificate will indicate used references that have been overdue when the calibration has been performed.


  1. The Default view in the Manage Work and Completed work views has been changed from “All” to “Due in 30 days” and “Last 30 days” respectively.
  2. The port used by LOGiCAL sync has been changed from port 50051 to 443. This is a rolling update, which means that for the time being, we will continue to support port 50051.
  3. Trial period has been extended to 30 days


  1. Fixed a position symbol mismatch between Card and List views
  2. Fixed an issue that in some situations caused free devices to show up under a position.
  3. Fixed an issue in reference management, where reference models created by the user could not be found using search.
  4. Various translation fixes
  5. Fixed an issue where searching units in lists caused an error message.
  6. Removed sensor type and temperature scale fields from dialogues where they are not needed. Now they only appear when Category is set to Analog variable and Quantity is temperature.
  7. Added better error handling when downloading LOGiCAL Sync.
  8. Fixed some broken links from LOGiCAL Help
  9. Fixed an issue when instruments that were created in the calibrator could not always be brought back to LOGiCAL.
  10. Issues fixed with certificate data
    • Custom certificate ID can overlap with other data on the certificate
    • Long texts were overlapping other cells in certificate without cover
    • Added environmental information to certificate without cover page for switch instruments.
  11. Calibrators reference table headers are no longer visible in the result view if no references have been used.
  12. Fixed an issue where reference’s due dates appeared as overdue in bMobile although the reference’s due date had not been passed.
  13. Fixed a field value validation.
  14. Fixed an issue that caused checkout to crash when going to the Function page from a Completed Work view.

LOGiCAL 2.0.4 release

Release Date: 18.06.2021

More help for users to get started with LOGiCAL:

  1. There is an integration between LOGiCAL and Beamex e-learning platform. LOGiCAL dashboard has a new “Training” tab to present the material available on e-learning platform.
  2. Getting started section added into LOGiCAL help, that contains steps from signing up to LOGiCAL to generating the first calibration certificate.

Result view & calibration certificate improvements:

  1. There are now two calibration certificate templates – with and without cover page. Furthermore, switch instruments have been separated into different certificate templates. The templates an organization is using can be configured from Settings/Certificate printing/Certificate templates/ three dots/Use in print.
  2. It is possible to hide elements from the calibration certificates. The elements that can be hidden are configured through Settings/Certificate printing/Certificate templates/ three dots/Edit template. You can configure the elements separately for each of the templates you are using.
  3. References are now listed in a separate table including an identifier, while corresponding identifier is shown in the result table for input and output references. This change has been made to both the result view and calibration certificates.
  4. The exported calibration certificate pdf naming can now be configured through Settings/Certificate printing/Appearance settings/Filename.

Temperature sensor support:

  1. LOGiCAL now supports reference temperature sensors. In the lists-view, device models can be configured as sensor models, which makes them available in references section when creating reference sensors. LOGiCAL supports ITS-90, Callendar-van Dusen and factor calculation formulas. These reference sensors can be used when calibrating temperature instruments.
  2. LOGiCAL has a setting to enforce bMobile users to enter references while documenting calibrations.


  1. Changes to certificates:
    • Redundant information from certificates has been removed: Additional error limits for switches no longer show (+/-) information, object of calibration row and % symbol for the maximum error have also been removed.
    • The transfer function row has been moved into the correct place on the certificate with a cover page.


  1. Fixed an issue where assigned to -user in the manage work view was not correct.
  2. Fixed an issue, where in some cases, if adjust limits were used, calibration result defined as Passed in a calibrator, showed up as Passed-adjust in LOGiCAL.
  3. Various fixes to LOGiCAL Help.
  4. Various other fixes.

LOGiCAL 2.0.3 Update 2

Release Date: 04.05.2021


  1. Fixed an issue where result synchronization could be halted if results had been previously uploaded but then removed from LOGiCAL. Removed results will now be re-uploaded to LOGiCAL if they have not yet been deleted from the calibrator. bMobile is still affected and requires a separate fix, which is planned for next bMobile release.

LOGiCAL 2.0.3 Update 1

Release Date: 31.03.2021


  1. Fixed an issue in the reference management section, where uploading a calibration certificate for a reference failed.
  2. Fixed an issue in the certificate generation. The font varied when generating consecutive pdf certificates with some languages (e.g., Chinese).
  3. Translation updates.

LOGiCAL 2.0.3 release

Release Date: 09.03.2021

Organization / user information:

  1. If Organization information is insufficient, Organization admins are requested to fill in proper Organization details when they log into LOGiCAL.
  2. Required fields are: Organization name, Street

address 1, zip/postal code, city and country. 3. IAM has also been updated so that these fields are required when an organization is created / edited. 4. IAM has 2 new tabs:

  • Applications, which is now the default tab that opens up when user logs in to IAM. By clicking LOGiCAL link on this page, user is taken to LOGiCAL
  • Help center, listing IAM version number and support details.
  1. IAM has been localized to several new languages.
  2. There is an about window under Help center, showing LOGiCAL version number.
  3. Sub-navigation improved when main navigation bar is collapsed (manage work and completed work now better indicated).
  4. Sign in has been highlighted to make it stand out better.
  5. In the downloads page, there is now a link to google play for downloading bMobile for android.
  6. Validation added for fields that can be edited. User is asked to confirm discarding changes when exiting from edit forms.
  7. Translation fixes.
  8. Sync and database optimizations
  9. News article timestamps corrected.
  10. Other bug fixes.

Instrument Management related updates:

  1. Failed calibration no longer automatically calculates new due date. Due date will be automatically calculated only if the last repeat of the result is passed.
  2. Improvements and fixes to checkout procedure:
    • Context help texts added to the check out process to make it easier for a user to find information such as what does controlled-measured mean.
    • Corrections to some instrument configurations that have not been possible to sync to calibrator.

Result management:

  1. Result has a field indicating the source of the result (Calibrator or bMobile).
  2. Certificate layout has been modified. It is now tighter and fits in more data to a single result page.
  3. Pressure type now shown in result view also.
  4. Completed work view bugfixes:
    • UTC offset added.
    • Calibrations are sorted by date and time (latest result on top).

LOGiCAL Sync application

  1. Setting for deleting results after they have been received to LOGiCAL.

Bugfixes: 5. Various bugfixes

LOGiCAL, 2.0.2 release

Release Date: 09.12.2020

New features:

  1. Result and certificate enhancements:

    • Custom logo to calibration certificate. To change your logo, click on the signed-in user ➡️ settings.
    • Custom certificate ID. Until today, the result id has been a long automatically created identifier. From now on, the result ID can be customized. The default value for the certificate is year-running number (e.g. 2020-1), where the running number re-sets when the year changes. To change your certificate id, click on the signed-in user ➡️ settings. The certificate ID is shown in calibration result and certificates as well as in the function’s card and list views. Note! This setting only applies to new results. Old results use the previously generated identifier.
    • Result view and calibration certificate now show extended Pass/fail information. Now instead of just PASSED, LOGiCAL has two other statuses: “PASSED, DO NOT ADJUST” and “PASSED, ADJUST REQUIRED”. These statuses are in use only if corresponding fields in instrument’s other error limits have been configured.
    • Ctrl + result click opens result in new tab.
  2. Manage work and Completed work view enhancements:

    • Manage work view now shows to whom the calibration task is assigned to.
    • A Refresh button has been added to Manage work and Completed work views.
  3. Instrument data related enhancements:

    • Positions without plant structure are now sorted in ascending order.
    • Plant node description is now shown for the plant node items.
    • Data validation has been implemented in several places (e.g. Max length of fields).
    • Temperature sensor model is no longer mandatory when creating a temperature instrument. However, leaving the temperature sensor model empty will reduce the ways the instrument can be calibrated (e.g. simulating input is not possible).
  4. Subscription / credit handling enhancements:

    • There is now a link from the subscriptions/transaction view to each synced result.
    • Credit handling has been improved.
  5. LOGiCAL Sync app enhancements:

    • To assure compatibility, the user may be forced to update LOGiCAL Sync app before being able to sync instruments/results.
    • List of synced items can now be seen in the log available in the LOGiCAL sync app.
  6. Other enhancements:

    • A back button has been added to Organization selection view.
    • UI text and translation improvements.
    • LOGiCAL and Beamex logo are shown in the web browser tab.
    • A new sign-up policy has been taken into use (behind get started button)


  1. Check out / sync related fixes:

    • LOGiCAL now sends the whole plant structure to MC6 family calibrator instead of just one level above the Position.
    • A new position with a plant structure created in an MC6 family calibrator was previously created without plant structure in LOGiCAL.
    • LOGiCAL was previously not able to receive sensor type information for temperature instruments created in the calibrator.
    • An instrument created in an MC6-T with certain configuration could not be synched to LOGiCAL.
    • Instrument with custom unit created in MC2 could not be synced to LOGiCAL.
    • Temperature instrument could not be checked out to an MC6-T when output port 3 was selected.
  2. Fixes related to lists:

    • Instead of "undefined error" notification, a more informative notification is given when trying to create a unit or quantity that already exists.
    • Manufacturer web links no longer require http:// or https:// in front of the web address.
    • You can now create identical model names under different manufacturers. Previously this was not possible.
  3. Other fixes:

    • Some pictures in the help document had broken links, which have been fixed.
    • Result icon was missing from the result view.
    • Calibration certificate shows the whole plant structure.
    • Fixed an issue where the forgot your password link was not working during sign-in.
    • Other minor fixes.

LOGiCAL, update 2.0.1 Hotfix 2

Release Date: 6.11.2020

New features:

  1. Now the following languages are supported:

    LanguageLOGiCAL SyncLOGiCAL User interface
    Chinese (simplified)xx
    Chinese (traditional)xx

LOGiCAL, update 2.0.1 Hotfix 1

Release Date: 8.10.2020

New features:

  1. New localizations for LOGiCAL user interface. Now the following languages are supported:

    LanguageLOGiCAL SyncLOGiCAL User interface
    Chinese (simplified)x-
    Chinese (traditional)xx


  1. Fixed an issue with MC6-T150 where new custom (reference) model was created on result upload. Now MC6T-150 will use a model provided by Beamex as a reference.
  2. Several user interface languages have been updated.

LOGiCAL, update 2.0.1

Release Date: 16.09.2020

New features:

  1. Localizations for LOGiCAL and LOGiCAL Sync. At the time of publishing LOGiCAL 2.0.1, the following languages are supported:

    LanguageLOGiCAL SyncLOGiCAL User interface
    Chinese (simplified)x-
    Chinese (traditional)x-
  2. Support for Beamex MC6-T150 temperature calibrator.

  3. Subscription management, supporting credit card payment.

  4. Improved instrument validation when checking out to a calibrator. User is informed when trying to checkout an instrument configuration which is not supported by the calibrator.

  5. LOGiCAL Sync can now notify users when a new version becomes available.


  1. Fixed issues in the result view and pdf generation:
    • Calibration date was shown incorrectly in the calibration certificate if the result was created with MC2/4 calibrator.
    • Several mismatches between data shown in the result view and the calibration certificate.
    • Certificate table page break was not on the correct place causing an odd result table.
  2. LOGiCAL Sync related fixes:
    • LOGiCAL Sync log did not update automatically when opening the log tab.
    • LOGiCAL Sync status view issues: The Sync status view was not fully visible without scrolling and Results synchronized or Instruments received statuses were not updated correctly when syncing.
  3. Other minor fixes.

LOGiCAL, 2.0.0 release

Release Date: 15.06.2020

LOGiCAL, release 2.0.0 now brings new and exciting features! LOGiCAL now allows you to perform the following calibration management related tasks:

  • Create and maintain LOGiCAL users in your organization
  • Create and maintain your plant structure
  • Create and maintain your instrument database
  • Create and maintain your reference database
  • Schedule and assign calibration tasks
  • Synchronize tasks to supported mobile devices
  • Completed calibration results can be synchronized back to the LOGiCAL database
  • Review calibration results in LOGiCAL and
  • Generate pdf calibration certificates