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Releases FR

LOGiCAL 2.8.0 Release

Release Date: 25. June. 2024

New Features

  1. Possibilité de créer et d’éditer des instruments à partir de l’application bMobile. Il peut arriver que vous découvriez de nouveaux instruments sur le terrain et que vous deviez modifier des informations, c’est désormais possible via bMobile. C’est possible sans accès à internet puisque l’application fonctionne off-line. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité est disponible sur la version 2.9 de bMobile et uniquement pour les utilisateurs de LOGiCAL.

  2. Affichage du nombre de résultats lors de l’utilisation des filtres

  3. Nouveau filtre dans la page de Gestion des tâches, permettant de savoir rapidement à qui les étalonnages ont été affectés.


  1. Contact information details in the Help Center / Support page have been updated.

  2. There is now a maximum file size limit when adding calibration certificates for references (10Mb) and up to 30 certificates can be loaded for each reference to be able to store the calibration history of the reference.

Fixes Related to Import Tool

  1. Fixed an issue where incorrect entries in the excel file prevented the import tool from loading the file, with an unclear error message. The validation of data types has been improved and users can now see what caused the import to fail.

  2. The operationType field has been removed from the import template and exported files. Instead, deviceFunctionId is used to determine whether the user is creating a new instrument or updating an existing one. In other words, if deviceFunctionId exists, the user is updating an existing instrument. If not, a new instrument is being created.

  3. The help file contains information about the new field introduced in the previous LOGiCAL version: calibrationPeriodMode.

Fixes Related to Error Handling

  1. Changed the error message to show a clearer explanation when two users tried to edit the same reference simultaneously. Instead of "undefined error", it now says what happened.

  2. Error handling in the Assign for calibration dialog has been improved.

  3. Improved error handling of the instrument editor. It has been possible to import instrument data with erroneous values to certain fields. This has resulted in the Instrument editor crashing. Now, the instrument editor can be opened and fields containing erroneous data are set to an undefined state, requiring the user to enter correct values before the instrument can be saved.

  4. Localization of various error messages has been improved.

Other Fixes

  1. The Manage Work view has been improved to be more responsive when resizing the screen, and each table row is now fully visible, eliminating the issue of rows being cut off mid-way vertically.

  2. Fixed an issue where the reference's calibrated and due date show incorrect dates depending on what time zone/UTC offset was used.

Important Information

  1. MC6-T returns incomplete module data when mains power is off. R3 port and the temperature generation side require the mains power to be enabled for their data to transfer to LOGiCAL.

  2. The existing LOGiCAL Sync application will be retired in the next version update. You need to replace it with the new Beamex Sync application by uninstalling the LOGiCAL Sync client and installing the new Beamex Sync application found in the Help Center / Downloads.

  3. After the next version update, only bMobile version 2.8.2 or later will be supported. Please make sure that you upgrade to the latest version of bMobile as soon as possible.

Known Issues

  • N/A

LOGiCAL 2.7.0

Release Date: 30. May. 2024

Nouvelles fonctionnalités :

Beamex présente deux nouvelles fonctions conçues pour harmoniser la mise à jour de la base de données d’instrument :

  1. Export des données de l'instrument vers Excel :

    • Les utilisateurs peuvent désormais exporter les données des instruments directement dans Excel. Cette fonction permet de consulter et modifier facilement les données en dehors de LOGiCAL.
  2. Importer les données modifiées dans LOGiCAL :

    • Après avoir consulté et modifié les données de vos instruments dans Excel, vous pouvez facilement les réimporter dans LOGiCAL pour les mettre à jour.

Bénéfices client :

  • Gagner du temps et réduire le risque d'erreurs lors de l'ajout ou de la modification d'un grand nombre d'instruments.
  • Promouvoir des données harmonisées et de qualité en permettant une consultation facile des données avant leur importation.
  • L'export des données vers Microsoft Excel permet d'examiner et d'analyser efficacement les données des instruments existants, de détecter les écarts involontaires et de mettre à jour en masse les données qui doivent être modifiées.
  • Le déploiement de LOGiCAL est plus flexible pour le client. Il peut ajouter des instruments progressivement.
  • La limitation de l'accès à la fonction de mise à jour en masse par le biais des rôles et des autorisations des utilisateurs contribue à protéger l'intégrité des données.

Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?

  • L'utilisateur peut sélectionner les instruments à exporter depuis la vue des instruments.
  • Les données des instruments, y compris la structure de l’usine, la position, la fonction et les données de procédure, sont exportées en faisant un clic droit sur la sélection et en sélectionnant la fonction d'exportation. Les données des instruments sont exportées vers une ou plusieurs feuilles de calcul Excel.
  • Les données peuvent être revues et modifiées dans Excel.
  • Le fichier Excel modifié peut être importé dans LOGiCAL en utilisant l'outil d'importation pour mettre à jour les données des instruments.

Exigences :

  • Cette fonctionnalité peut être utilisée par un utilisateur avec le droit d’utilisation de l'outil d'importation si la fonction de contrôle d'accès basée sur les rôles est activée dans l'organisation.

Autres améliorations et corrections apportées à l'outil d'importation :

Veuillez consulter la version anglaise : lien.

Enhancements to the Instrument Editor

  1. Enhanced scheduling options in the procedure tab:
    • Recurring (default setting): The due date and calibration interval remain visible as before.
    • Off: The due date and calibration interval are hidden across instrument management interfaces and will not appear in result views or on certificates.
    • Single: Only the due date is displayed. This is accessible within the instrument management and will be shown on results and calibration certificates. Once a passed calibration has been performed for an instrument, the scheduling option is set to Off.
  2. The look and feel of the instrument editor has also been updated.
    • Important Note: Any favorite quantity, unit, or sensor type information is reset with this new functionality, and you need to re-define your favorites.

Other Enhancements

  1. It is now possible to remove a whole plant node and all its child items (plant nodes and instruments) if the user has the necessary permissions and if there are no instruments assigned for calibration. Valid items are no longer listed in the dialog. Instead, the total number of plant nodes and instruments is shown.
  2. Roles & permissions view can now be sorted by any column in the Lists.
  3. Performance optimization for global instrument search.
  4. Security enhancement: file upload limits set for reference management, where calibrator’s certificates can be uploaded.
  5. Free devices can now be assigned to a plant structure. In case a customer has a multi-site deployment, they can limit free devices’ visibility to certain sites only.
  6. Launching a new Beamex Sync application, replacing LOGiCAL Sync. This new tool supports both LOGiCAL and CMX users. A new communication protocol is included to support wireless communication with MC6 family calibrators over Bluetooth. Please see MC6 fw 4.50 release note for further details and system requirements.
    • Note: The existing LOGiCAL Sync application will continue to work with this release but will be retired in the near future. Replace it with the new Beamex Sync application by uninstalling the LOGiCAL Sync client and installing the new Beamex Sync application from Help center / Downloads.


  1. Beamex Sync application and bMobile no longer show an organization created in myBeamex if the organization administrator has not visited LOGiCAL yet.
  2. Some outdated training videos have been removed from the dashboard.
  3. Release notes are now published as part of the LOGiCAL help documentation instead of the News section. The new location contains the entire release history of LOGiCAL, not just the past few releases. Additionally, the release notes can be translated.


  1. Fixed an issue where an instrument could not be moved from one plant node to another, displaying an error message that Position ID already exists.
  2. The calibration certificate number for the reference sensors used in calibrations was displayed incorrectly. The correct number is now displayed.
  3. Syncing of results was interrupted if two results had the same key information. This issue is now corrected by omitting the duplicate results.
  4. Various minor UI fixes.

Important Information

  1. MC6-T returns incomplete module data when mains power is off. R3 port and the temperature generation side require the mains power to be enabled for their data to transfer to LOGiCAL.
  2. The existing LOGiCAL Sync application will continue to work with this release but will be retired in the near future. Replace it with the new Beamex Sync application by uninstalling the LOGiCAL Sync client and installing the new Beamex Sync application from Help center / Downloads.

Known Issues

  • N/A