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Completed work

Completed work view is used in reviewing the performed calibration tasks and contains quick links to the results. You can also generate a pdf certificate of the selected calibration results.

Manage Work

Below table describes the fields in the Completed work view.

Calibration timeTime of the calibration result
StatusOverall status of the calibration result i.e. status of the latest calibration repeat.
RepeatsHow many As Found and As Left repeats exists in the calibration result. By clicking on a Calibration repeat on any row, you are redirected to the calibration result view.
Plant nodeShows the plant node which the instrument in question belongs to. Field is empty if the instrument does not belong to any plant node. By clicking a plant node ID, you are redirected to the plant node in question
PositionShows the Position ID of the instrument. May be empty if calibration has been performed to a free device. By clicking Position ID on any row, you are redirected to the Position ID in question.
DeviceShows the Device ID of the instrument. By clicking a Device ID on any row, you are redirected to the Device ID in question.
Function nameShows the Function name of the instrument. By clicking a Function name on any row, you are redirected to the function in question.
DownloadYou can generate a calibration certificate easily by clicking the Download button in the menu. The button text also indicates the amount of certificates that will be generated and downloaded.

There are filters and search functionality available to help you find a performed calibration as well as a refresh button to update the view with latest results.

The completed work view is following the same layout as the instrument view. This gives the user the possibility to view the plant structure, filter and customize the visible columns.