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Checkout examples

This page shows two examples of a pressure transmitter check-out flow.

Checkout functionality is explained here

Calibration using bMobile

Calibrator family selection

Select bMobile from the calibrator family selection:

Check out start

User selection

For bMobile, the next step is to select the user whom the work is to be assigned. You can select a user from the list of users. If you plan to perform the task yourself, a quick link, Assign to me is provided above the user list.


The last step is to click the Checkout.

Calibration using MC6 family calibrator

Calibrator family selection

Calibrator selected is one of the MC6 family calibrators (i.e. MC6, MC6-Ex or MC6-T)

Selecting a suitable template

The pressure transmitter function is set up to have input as pressure and output as current. LOGiCAL displays all templates that match these criteria. In this case Pressure transmitter is clicked


Function and procedure configuration

Now we come to the step where I define how the MC6 functionalities are going to be used to perform the calibration.


Input method:

I know that my MC6 has a suitable pressure module, that I will use to measure the reference pressure. So I select Measured as the input method.

Sensor supply:

This selection is valid only for pressure instruments where the pressure sensor requires a separate, external supply. In this calibration I don't need to supply any power for the pressure sensor, so I leave the field as undefined.

Output method:

I know that my MC6 can also measure the required 4-20 mA current signal, so I select Measured as the output method.

Procedure configuration


When you are ready, click on the Configuration done, proceed to next step.

User selection

The last step is to select the user whom the work is to be assigned. You can select a user from the list of users. If you plan to perform the task yourself, a quick link, Assign to me is provided above the user list.


The last step is to click the Checkout.