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Certificate printing settings

Here it is possible for the user to change settings related to certificate printing.

Crop company logo


This setting is specific for the organization.

Appearance settings

Under this menu you can add a company logo that is visible in your calibration certificates and maintain the naming convention for your calibration certificate pdf files.

Adding a company logo for the certificate

Click the container for company logo or drag a supported image file to it.

Crop company logo

A dashed rectangle is shown in the image area. It is possible to resize the rectangle to fit the provided image.

After desired size is achieved. Click Done to submit your changes to the system.

It is also possible to skip the crop action and use the image in its original proportion.

By clicking Cancel no changes are made to the system.

Crop company logo

By clicking Remove underneath the added logo, the current logo will be removed from the system and not available for future use.


There is no undo functionality available when removing the logo.

Crop company logo


You may configure the naming policy differently by enabling Use a custom filename.

Filename Opened

Preview the filename

The filename format is shown in the preview box. After customization you can set the pdf names to follow the new format by clicking Take new filename in use. If no changes are made, this button is greyed out.

Compose the filename

  • The compose section gives the user the possibility to customize how the filename is formed.
  • By either enabling or disabling the elements they show up in the preview window.
  • All elements can be reordered by dragging them into desired position.


File name length is affected by the components selected. Make sure the file name doesn't become too long.

Reset filename

The filename can be reset to default values by clicking Reset filename. By default, the calibration date and certificate ID are used as the PDF filename.

Certificate templates

Here you can select if you want to use certificates with or without cover page as well as configure elements that you can hide from the certificate templates.

Filename Opened

Select template to be used

You are able to select which certificate templates to use for switch instruments and other instruments separately from two options:

  • With cover page
  • Without cover page

Click on the three dots to select which one is being used.

Hide elements from template

Click on the three dots of the template from which you want to hide elements from and click Edit template

Filename Opened

Here you can

  • rename the existing template
  • Enable or disable fields visible on the calibration certificate.

After customization, click Take new settings in use. If no changes are made, this button is greyed out.